まだワンコが若いとき、旅行で福島の吾妻小富士という山に登りました。 山登りといっても、上のほうまで車で行くことができ、駐車場から歩いて10分で頂上に行ける山です。
遮るものがなくとても風が強かったのを覚えています。 でもワンコと絶景を楽しむことができ、今ではいい思い出です。
When my dog was young, we climbed a mountain, "Mt. Azuma-Kofuji" in Fukushima Pref. Although climbing, we can go upward by car and it takes 10min. from the parking to its summit.
I remember there was no obstruction and it was very windy at the summit. But we enjoyed the marvelous landscape. It's my good memory.
On the pictures, Her face pattern was different from now...
遮るものがなくとても風が強かったのを覚えています。 でもワンコと絶景を楽しむことができ、今ではいい思い出です。
When my dog was young, we climbed a mountain, "Mt. Azuma-Kofuji" in Fukushima Pref. Although climbing, we can go upward by car and it takes 10min. from the parking to its summit.
I remember there was no obstruction and it was very windy at the summit. But we enjoyed the marvelous landscape. It's my good memory.
On the pictures, Her face pattern was different from now...
OK! Let's go climbing! よ~し! 登るぞ~! |
か、風が強いな... What a strong wind... |
ちょっと怖いかも... Well..., scary a little... |
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