栃木にワンコを連れてドライヴに行きました。 連休なので、渋滞はあるし、どこ行っても人だらけ!
ただ、行ったところが高原なので、涼しく、ワンコは結構喜んでました。 牧場で、見たことのない動物に大興奮! 渓谷の散歩も嬉しそうでした。
I went for a drive to Tochigi with my dog. We were caught in a traffic jam, there was too much crowd everywhere because of consecutive holidays. And bad weather!
But It was cool and she enjoyed because we went to highlands. She was excited to see animals that she had never seen! And she also enjoyed walking along a valley.
ただ、行ったところが高原なので、涼しく、ワンコは結構喜んでました。 牧場で、見たことのない動物に大興奮! 渓谷の散歩も嬉しそうでした。
I went for a drive to Tochigi with my dog. We were caught in a traffic jam, there was too much crowd everywhere because of consecutive holidays. And bad weather!
But It was cool and she enjoyed because we went to highlands. She was excited to see animals that she had never seen! And she also enjoyed walking along a valley.
Wow, where is this? わ~、何処ここ? |
ここ、お散歩にいいよね~! This is suitable for walking! |
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