
女の子のしっぽ  Girl's tail

帰宅したとき、ワンコが玄関に急いで駆けつけて、耳を後ろに倒し、尻尾を振って喜んでくれると嬉しいものですよね! 尻尾を激しく振るから体も一緒に振られちゃったりして!

しっぽの動作って男の子と女の子でちょっと違うような気がします。お散歩で、歩いている後ろ姿なんか見ると、尻尾の振り方が女の子の場合、しなやかで、先っぽをフリフリさせてるような感じがします。 前は男の子を飼っていましたが、もっとしっかりと巻くなり、振るなりしていたような気がします。


When I come home, my dog comes to the entrance in a hurry and she is delighted wagging her tail and holding her ears back! It's a happy thing, isn't it! Her body also moves because she wagging her tail hard!

I think that the motion of the dog's tail is different in boys and girls. I think that a girl wags the top of her tail gracefully when she takes a walk. I had a male dog before, He winded or wagged his tail solidly... I think.

It's difficult to identify the dog's sex from distance. So, maybe it's a good way to identify that!

フリフリ  Wagging, wagging

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