
クールビズ  Cool Biz

うちのワンコはいつもネッカチーフをしています。 女の子なので、いつもはピンクのものを!

この前、ネッカチーフを新調しました。 今回は気分を変えて、夏にぴったりの涼しげな水色のネッカチーフ!


My dog is always wearing a neckerchief.  My dog is a girl.  Therefore, she wears red or pink one!

I got a new neckerchief for her.  This time, for changing a mood, cool light blue neckerchief suitable for summer!

I thought she didn't suit light blue, but that emphasizes white parts of her face.  So, she looks good!

Don't you think I also look good in blue, right?


赤ちゃんは水を飲む。  A puppy drinks water.

ワンコの小さいころの写真を見ていました。 水を飲んでいる時の写真がかわいいんです!
今じゃ、舌で水しぶきを飛ばしながら、豪快に飲んでますが、この頃は母親のお乳を吸うように飲み、また、時々、手をあげるようなポーズをしていました。 多分、母親の乳の出を促すポーズだったんじゃないでしょうか。 


I was looking the photos of my dog when she was a puppy.  She is drinking water on photos and she is very pretty!  

Now, she drinks water powerfully with splashing that.  But she drunk water as if she had sucked mother's milk in those days.  And sometimes, she drunk water with raising her paw.  Maybe, its pose was for promoting milk flow.  

Her eyes are ecstatic on photos, so cute! 

ママ、お乳!  Mam, milk please!

のどが渇いたのよ!  I'm thirsty!


ゴロゴロ Rolling

布団が気に入ったワンコ! 布団の大部分を占領し、ちょっと窮屈! ワンコはそんなことはお構いなしにリラックスし、仰向けの無防備な姿になって寝てます。

「気持ちよさそうだね~! でも、そんなカッコしてたら風邪ひいちゃいますよ!」

My dog is pleased with Futon(Japanese style bedding)!  She occupies the most part of Futon. Oh, it's too tight!  She doesn't care that and she lays on her back defenselessly.

"Hey, you! You are looking so comfortable! But, you'll catch a cold with that posture!"

ゴロゴロ!  Rolling Rolling!

スケープゲイザー  Scapegazer



でも、ちょっと遠出したりするときは見慣れない景色のせいか、ずっと飽きずに外を眺めてます。 窓を開けたいときはとりあえず、自分でウィンドーボタンをカリカリ、でも手が太いのであまりうまくいかず、そのときは「く~ん!」と鳴いてカリカリ。 開けてやると、顔を窓にへばりつかせて、風を感じながら、外の景色を楽しむんです。

My dog loves car riding and when I take the car key, she no sooner hear the sound than she run to me and said "Please take me along!".

First, she eats snacks when she get on the car. And after that, she sleeps on the dog seat. I think she feels comfortable with moderate vibrations.

But, when we take an excursion by car, she keeps looking the scenery outside. Maybe it's because of a unfamiliar scenery.  When she wants to open the window, she firstly scratches the opening button  but it is difficult for her to open the window because her paw is thick. When she fails that, she whines with scratching the button. I open the window and she puts her head on the window and enjoys looking the scenery outside with feeling the wind.

I love looking outside!

I grew up but I love it!

Sentimental journey.


タイム・トリップ  Time trip





We stopped by Hanyū Parking Area on the Tōhoku Highway when we went home from the trip to Tochigi the other day.

This PA is unique because the Edo(present Tokyo) street in the Edo Period is reproduced under the theme of  "Onihei Hankachō"(This was a historical drama on TV.).

The buildings are represented realistically and the shops inside make effort not to destroy the atmosphere.  You can enjoy just walking.

Here the disharmonious photo of Siberian husky, there was not in the Edo Period, and the Edo street. 

The princess is coming!


夏使用  Summer style

シベリアンハスキーは寒い国ロシアの犬なので、夏は気を使います。 家では基本クーラー。


Siberian Husky is a dog from a cold country, Russia. I need to take care of my dog in summer. She is mostly in a cooling room.

When we take a walk, she wears a bag with refrigerants around her neck.

準備万端!  I'm ready!


栃木にドライヴ  Drive to Tochigi

栃木にワンコを連れてドライヴに行きました。 連休なので、渋滞はあるし、どこ行っても人だらけ!

ただ、行ったところが高原なので、涼しく、ワンコは結構喜んでました。 牧場で、見たことのない動物に大興奮! 渓谷の散歩も嬉しそうでした。

I went for a drive to Tochigi with my dog.  We were caught in a traffic jam, there was too much crowd everywhere because of consecutive holidays. And bad weather!

But It was cool and she enjoyed because we went to highlands.  She was excited to see animals that she had never seen!  And she also enjoyed walking along a valley. 

Wow, where is this?
This is suitable for walking!


山登り Mountain climbing

まだワンコが若いとき、旅行で福島の吾妻小富士という山に登りました。 山登りといっても、上のほうまで車で行くことができ、駐車場から歩いて10分で頂上に行ける山です。

遮るものがなくとても風が強かったのを覚えています。 でもワンコと絶景を楽しむことができ、今ではいい思い出です。


When my dog was young, we climbed a mountain, "Mt. Azuma-Kofuji" in Fukushima Pref. Although climbing, we can go upward by car and it takes 10min. from the parking to its summit.

I remember there was no obstruction and it was very windy at the summit. But we enjoyed the marvelous landscape. It's my good memory.  

On the pictures, Her face pattern was different from now...

OK! Let's go climbing!
よ~し! 登るぞ~!

What a strong wind... 

Well..., scary a little... 


寝日和  Good sleeping weather

今日は涼しかった。 蒸し暑いのは本当に勘弁! ワンコも気持ちよさそうに寝てました。 


It's cool today. I hate muggy weather! My dog was sleeping comfortably.

Although it was not cold, she was sleeping curled up...... 
"Hey, you are a dog from a cold country!"

この枕固いなぁ!  This pillow is stiff!


門番  Gatekeeper

家に帰ると、門のところにワンコがいました。 お散歩に行ってきたところでした。

When I came home, my dog was in front of the gate of my house. She had just gone back from walking.

どこ行ってたの?  Where have you been? 


女の子のしっぽ  Girl's tail

帰宅したとき、ワンコが玄関に急いで駆けつけて、耳を後ろに倒し、尻尾を振って喜んでくれると嬉しいものですよね! 尻尾を激しく振るから体も一緒に振られちゃったりして!

しっぽの動作って男の子と女の子でちょっと違うような気がします。お散歩で、歩いている後ろ姿なんか見ると、尻尾の振り方が女の子の場合、しなやかで、先っぽをフリフリさせてるような感じがします。 前は男の子を飼っていましたが、もっとしっかりと巻くなり、振るなりしていたような気がします。


When I come home, my dog comes to the entrance in a hurry and she is delighted wagging her tail and holding her ears back! It's a happy thing, isn't it! Her body also moves because she wagging her tail hard!

I think that the motion of the dog's tail is different in boys and girls. I think that a girl wags the top of her tail gracefully when she takes a walk. I had a male dog before, He winded or wagged his tail solidly... I think.

It's difficult to identify the dog's sex from distance. So, maybe it's a good way to identify that!

フリフリ  Wagging, wagging


日本の夏、けだるい犬  Summer in Japan, lazy dog


うちのワンコは暑い日に寝るときは時々、足をぴんと伸ばして腹這いになって寝るんです。 これって変じゃないかなぁ? ほかのワンコもやるんだろうか?

Days over 30℃ have been continuing recently. My dog is sleeping languidly in the air-conditioned room in the daytime.

When my dog sleeps, sometimes she stretches out and lays flat on her belly. Is she strange? Do the other dogs do that?

ダリ~ぃ!  La...zzz...y!


パリコレの女  A woman in Paris Collection

帽子をかぶるワンコ! 珍しくカメラ目線!


My dog wears a hat! She looks camera unusually!

She is posing like a model in Paris Collection.

私に惚れるなよ!  Don't fall for me!


布団  Futon

最近、布団で寝てます。 ベッドもあるんですが、布団の固さがなんだか心地よく、ベッドはふかふかするのでなんとなく今の時期暑苦しくて!




Recently, I sleep on Futon(Japanese style bed).  I have also a bed, but I feel comfortable to sleep on the stiff Futon. And bed is fluffy, so it's hot in the summer!  

It's annoying that I must make a bed before I sleep. 

 I laid the mattress and while I went back to bring the coverlet, my dog occupied my Futon. Maybe she thought, "Wow, this looks good!". 

Mmm......what a shrewd girl!

私のよっ! ビロ~ン!  
It's mine! Streeeeching!  


七夕  Tanabata

7月7日は七夕! 近所の駅前で七夕の飾りが飾られていたので散歩ついでに見てきました。 


July 7th is a day of Tanabata(seasonal ceremony, we write wishes on a strip of paper and hang it on the bamboo tree)! My dog & I went to see Tanabata decoration in front of the station near my house for a walk.

It was so hot today!

暑~い! 家に帰ろっ!!  
It's too hoooot!  Let's go back home!!


仔犬  Puppy

家にワンコが来たときは、7月でした。 あの頃は、純真で、とても可愛かった。 



My dog came to my house in July.  At that time, she was pure and very cute.

She loved the people and when I left her alone, she was crying, "I'm lonely. Please come here.". Because of that, I had always slept near her cage.

At that time, she repeated playing and sleeping in a short interval, so she waked me up at midnight. I remember that I didn't sleep well and felt dizzy.

遊ぼっ!  Play with me!



わいるど!  Wild!


牛皮の部分が固いのでささみだけを食べ、部屋の隅に隠すんです。 後で気が向いたときに引っ張り出して食べてます!

My dog's favorite snack now! That is a chicken wrapped cowhide.

The cowhide is stiff, so firstly she eats only chicken. And she hides the cowhide in the corner of the room. She takes & eats that when she feels like it!

ワイルドだろ~?  I'm wild, ain't I?


椅子の下 Under the chair

今日の彼女はご機嫌斜め。 いつものポジション椅子の下へ! すねるのも昼寝するのも椅子の下。 椅子は子供の頃の噛み跡でギザギザ。


My dog is in a bad mood today. She takes her regular position, under the chair! She sulks and has a nap under the chair. The chairs were made jagged by her biting when she was a puppy.

She dislikes cage but... she likes to sit under the chair as if it were her kennel! 

まったり......  Relaaax......

カツオブシ  Dried bonito flakes

カツオブシの袋を捨てる時の音を聞きつけると急いでやってくるうちのワンコ! 「ちょうだいちょうだい」とお座りしておねだり。


When I throw away the empty plastic bag of dried bonito flakes, my dog catch the sound and she comes in a hurry.  She begs, "Give me that! Give me that!" with sitting down.

She loves licking remaining dried bonito flakes in the bag!

行くぞ~  Ready.......
それ~  Gooooooo!