
ゴメンね、ワンコ!  Sorry, my pup!


なので、ワンコとあまり遊んでやれません。  ワンコもそれがわかっているようで、普段は呼んでもめんどくさいときは聞こえないふりをしたりするのに、素直に言うことを聞いてくれます。 

ワンコと遊ぶ時は結構、駆けまわったりしていたんですが、今はそれもできず、ワンコはつまらなそう。 そのせいか、ワンコはちょっとストレスが溜まっているようで...  この前、普段やらないのですが、ぬいぐるみを人のいない部屋に持って行って、文句を言うような声で鳴いてました。  多分ぬいぐるみにあたってたのかも。




My leg is broken now and I'm wearing a cast on it.  So, I don't walk smoothly and when I walk, I have to hop on one foot or use crutches.

So, I can't play with my dog much.  My dog seems to know that.  Usually, she sometimes pretends not to hear when I call her and she feels, "It's a hassle".  But now, she obeys me.

When I play with her, we run about here and there, but I can't do that now.  She looked bored at first.  Maybe because of that, my dog seemed to get stressed out.  Some time ago, she brought her toy to an empty room and I heard she growled as if complaining.  Maybe, she crossed with her toy.

After that, I played with her and then she asked me, "Please play more!" with delight.

She is an optimist.  So, she got used to the situation. 

"I'm sorry!  Let's play when my leg heals!"

ねぇ  Hey!
あそぼ  Let's play!
あそぼ~  Let's plaaaay!


壁を走る犬  A dog running on the wall





人が見ていない時に限って変な格好で寝ているんですよね。 仰向けになってたり、ピンと一直線に伸びてたり、ソファーカバーの下に潜り込んでたり... いったい何考えてるんだろ?


"Mmmm..., where is my dog?", I was looking for her......


She was running on the wall (lol)

And she was looking triumphant!

She is sleeping with weird posture when I'm not looking at her.  For example, lying on her back, lying on her stomach with her legs straight behind her and sleeping under the sofa cover...  What does she think?

"It's amazing that you can run against gravity!"

ねぇ! 壁、走れるんだよ~! 
Hey!  I can run on the wall!
Ready, set, GOOOOOO!

Hey!  Look at me!


富嶽五景  Five Views of Mt. Fuji





In this summer, we went to a resort around Mt. Fuji for a vacation with my dog, but we didn't enjoy very much. 

Because, I climbed Mt. Fuji by myself(My family and dog went sightseeing.) and when I climbed down, I broke my leg.  I descended by myself and arrived at the starting point at midnight.  Our vacation was spoiled.

I had looked forward to this vacation..., it was a shame!

I couldn't photos much during this vacation.  So, I'll upload photos of my dog against Mt. Fuji until now. 

Lake Motosu

Satta Pass
朝霧高原 その一
Asagiri Highand, Part 1

朝霧高原 その二
Asagiri Highland, Part 2

Lake Yamanaka


富士山の休日  Fujisan Holiday


ワンコもOKことで、静岡県富士宮市にある休暇村富士のコテージに泊まりました。 ここは田貫湖という湖のそばにあり、富士山も見え、条件が合えば湖に映る逆さ富士も拝めるそうです。 行った日の富士山はちょっと霞んでいて、見ることはできませんでしたけど!



We went on a summer vacation with my dog!

We stayed at a cottage in Kyūka-mura Fuji at Fujinomiya City, Sizuoka.  This is located near a lake "Lake Tanuki" and it is seen Mt. Fuji from here.  And if conditions are met, it is also seen Mt. Fuji reflected on the lake.  But we couldn't... because Mt. Fuji was hazy.

There is a hot spring in Kyūka-mura Fuji.  We can enjoy a view of Lake Tanuki & Mt. Fuji from the bathroom.

At first, my dog seemed to be embarrassed at new environment in a cottage.  She got used to it soon.  And she seemed to enjoy exploring the terrace, sunbathing and walking in nature!

やっほ~ お泊りだ~!
Whoopie Staying!

We'll stay here!
First, let's go on an expedition!
And, sunbathing!
I decided to sleep here...
I' m enjoying my vacation!


お風呂  Bath


お風呂というと椅子の下に潜り込んじゃううちのワンコ。  お風呂が嫌いなんです。  シベリアンハスキーはあまり臭くならないので、それほど入れる必要はないのですが、いったん入れるとなると結構大変。 濡れたままでブルブルするので全身びしょぬれになるし、毛が混んでるので乾かすのにすごく時間がかかります。

お風呂が終わるとお腹がすくのか、普段はそれ程好きじゃないご飯もガツガツ食べます。 疲れるのか、その後はお昼寝!

I gave my dog a bath for the first time in 2 months!

She goes under the chair when I say "Let's take a bath!".  She doesn't like it.   Siberian husky doesn't stink much.  So it's no need to give her a bath frequently.  But it is a hard work.  She shakes her wet body and I get wet to the skin.  And it takes a long time to dry her body.

She gobbles down her food that she doesn't like after taking a bath.  Because, maybe she gets hungry.  After that, she is tired and has a nap!  


きれいになったでしょ? よし、寝るぞ!
Am I clean?  OK, Nap time!


梅雨明け Rainy season finished





Rainy season has finished!

Bad weather continued during rainy season. So, it was difficult to grasp the timing to take my dog for a walk. But it was comfortable because of cool weather.

To the contrary, after rainy season, sky is clear and it seems good. But, it's so muggy and it's not suitable for a walk.

So, we go for a walk in the morning and evening with the measure against heat.

準備はいいかな?  Are you ready?