
高原へ行こう! / Let's go to highland!

先日、ワンコを連れて長野にドライヴ🚗に行ってきました。 八ヶ岳の麓に広がる黄金色に実る稲穂の中を抜け、高原へ。 白樺湖を通って、車山高原、霧ヶ峰に行きました。

途中の絶景ポイントで降りて、秋の風を感じながら写真を取ったりしながら、霧ヶ峰富士見台という展望所で休憩。 富士山🗻がきれいに見えました! 売店の人の話ではそれまで天候がすぐれず、富士山がきれいに見えるの日だったそうでラッキーでした!

We went for a drive🚗 to Nagano with my dog the other day.  Through rice plants that turn gold, we went to highlands.  We went along Lake Shirakaba, and after we went to Kurumayama Highland and Mt. Kirigamine.

We stopped by view points for taking photos with blowing in the autumn breeze and took a break at a observation deck, Kirigamine Fujimidai. We were able to view Mt. Fuji🗻 clearly.  A stuff of souvenir shop said that it was clear viewing day after the bad weather had continued.  We were lucky!

Let's go walking!

わぁ~! 富士山🗻見えるよ~!
Wow! We can look Mt. Fuji🗻!


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