高原へ行こう! / Let's go to highland!
先日、ワンコを連れて長野にドライヴ🚗に行ってきました。 八ヶ岳の麓に広がる黄金色に実る稲穂の中を抜け、高原へ。 白樺湖を通って、車山高原、霧ヶ峰に行きました。
途中の絶景ポイントで降りて、秋の風を感じながら写真を取ったりしながら、霧ヶ峰富士見台という展望所で休憩。 富士山🗻がきれいに見えました! 売店の人の話ではそれまで天候がすぐれず、富士山がきれいに見えるの日だったそうでラッキーでした!
We went for a drive🚗 to Nagano with my dog the other day. Through rice plants that turn gold, we went to highlands. We went along Lake Shirakaba, and after we went to Kurumayama Highland and Mt. Kirigamine.
We stopped by view points for taking photos with blowing in the autumn breeze and took a break at a observation deck, Kirigamine Fujimidai. We were able to view Mt. Fuji🗻 clearly. A stuff of souvenir shop said that it was clear viewing day after the bad weather had continued. We were lucky!
途中の絶景ポイントで降りて、秋の風を感じながら写真を取ったりしながら、霧ヶ峰富士見台という展望所で休憩。 富士山🗻がきれいに見えました! 売店の人の話ではそれまで天候がすぐれず、富士山がきれいに見えるの日だったそうでラッキーでした!
We went for a drive🚗 to Nagano with my dog the other day. Through rice plants that turn gold, we went to highlands. We went along Lake Shirakaba, and after we went to Kurumayama Highland and Mt. Kirigamine.
We stopped by view points for taking photos with blowing in the autumn breeze and took a break at a observation deck, Kirigamine Fujimidai. We were able to view Mt. Fuji🗻 clearly. A stuff of souvenir shop said that it was clear viewing day after the bad weather had continued. We were lucky!
さあ行こう! Let's go walking! |
わぁ~! 富士山🗻見えるよ~! Wow! We can look Mt. Fuji🗻! |
キレイだね✨ NICE VIEW✨ |
ラベル / Label:
Siberian Husky,
湖畔にハスキー / Husky on the lakeside
家から車で50分ほどのところに手賀沼という小さな沼があり、その岸に道の駅があって、そこでは農産物直売所が併設され、新鮮な野菜を買うことができ、沼沿いを散歩できるのでワンコを連れて時々行きます。 また、カフェもありそこのあんこのクロワッサンがおいしいので行ったときはいつも買ってます。
湖のほとりを散歩していると白鳥に威嚇され、怖がるワンコ。 臆病なんだから!
There is a small lake called "Tega-numa" that is about 50 min from my house by car. And there is a roadside rest area on the shore There is a farmer's market on that and we sometimes go there to buy fresh vegetables and we take a walk with our dog.
My leg is broken now and I'm on crutches. So, I can't go out much. But we went the roadside rest area for the first time in a while.
Siberian husky is rare in Japan now. So, many people played with my dog. And she ate ice cream that is her favorites and looked happy.
A swan threatened her when we took a walk on the lakeside. She was scared of that. "Oh, you're chicken!"
She & I could refreshed a little bit.
湖のほとりを散歩していると白鳥に威嚇され、怖がるワンコ。 臆病なんだから!
There is a small lake called "Tega-numa" that is about 50 min from my house by car. And there is a roadside rest area on the shore There is a farmer's market on that and we sometimes go there to buy fresh vegetables and we take a walk with our dog.
My leg is broken now and I'm on crutches. So, I can't go out much. But we went the roadside rest area for the first time in a while.
Siberian husky is rare in Japan now. So, many people played with my dog. And she ate ice cream that is her favorites and looked happy.
A swan threatened her when we took a walk on the lakeside. She was scared of that. "Oh, you're chicken!"
She & I could refreshed a little bit.
よし行くぞ~! Let's go! |
お、あれ何? Oh, what's that? |
・・・!! |
誰だお前? あっち行きやがれ! Who are you? ... Go away! |
(((((( ;゚Д゚)))))) |
ラベル / Label:
Siberian Husky,
場所 / Place:
日本, 〒277-0911 千葉県柏市箕輪新田
投稿 (Atom)